The 3rd Edition of NPL italy 2019

  • 19/06/2019 - 20/06/2019
  • Enterprise Hotel | Corso Sempione 91, Milano
  • 9-18
  • 0.00

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With 154 bn of Bad Loans already transferred to Funds and Servicers and another 118 bn still remaining on the books of Italian Banks, the Italian NPL market now faces a huge Servicing challenge to extract value and earn profits from transferred deteriorated loans. And with further sales of up to 50 bn expected in 2019, the complexity and amount of work required can only grow.

To learn more about the challenges the market will face in 2019, join the third edition of this regional event attracting 200+ delegates from the key companies operating in Italy’s booming Non-Performing Loans market.


Per info e iscrizioni clicca qui:

  • 19/06/2019 - 20/06/2019
  • Enterprise Hotel | Corso Sempione 91, Milano
  • 9-18
  • 0.00

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